A full day of free online events for conversion-driven digital marketers
In 2015, thousands of marketers gathered to celebrate and learn all things CRO: Conversion Rate Optimization. This September 29, we're doing it again. We are bringing digital marketers and experts together again for an epic day featuring:
Slack Chat Workshop
Sec Landing Page Showdown
Can’t make it? No worries! Fill out the form and we’ll send you the recordings.
*By signing up for this event, you'll receive actionable marketing content from Unbounce and its CRO Day partners.
*By signing up for this event, you'll receive actionable marketing content from Unbounce and its CRO Day partners.
Check out the agenda, speakers and topics below.
Andre Morys
CEO | Web Arts AG
7am PT/10am ET
Most optimizers are searching for best practices in terms of operative results. Unfortunately things that work for company A might not work for company B. What most optimizers are missing is an effective process to create and prioritize optimization hypothesis so they don’t need to test the ideas of somebody else.
8.30am PT/11.30am ET
This session will go into what is top of mind for Conversion Optimization experts. Expect them to dive deep into what they love and what makes them cringe.
Ben Ratner
Talia Wolf
Peep Laja
Conversion XL
Karl Gilis
Co-Founder &
Managing Partner
AG Consult
Growth Marketer,
Are you hosting a webinar or in-person event to celebrate CRO Day? Add it to our Community Events Agenda on Inbound.Org. Featured Events:
Dialogue Thursday
14:30-18.30 (GMT+2) | Utretch, Netherlands | Go to event
Montreal Unbounce Community Social Meetup
7-10pm ET | Montreal, Canada | Go to event
Can’t make it? No worries! Sign up anyway and we’ll send you the recordings.
To Summarize: #CROday rocked! Had interesting conversations w/ the best of the best and got to answer a ton your questions! #success.
Talia Wolf
| @TaliaGw
@unbounce’s #CROday is inspiring! If you’re part of this growing Conversion Optimization community, you’ve got to take part.
| @jturnercreative
James E. Turner
Be a part of #CRODay
CEO | Hotjar
Dr. David Darmanin
9.30am PT/12.30pm ET
Dr. David Darmanin will walk you through how to collect data and gather feedback from your users and what you should do with it once you have it. If you want to optimize your site for growth (which, you do), you won’t want to miss this down to earth, hands-on, “what do I do with my data?” discovery session.
10.30am PT/1.30pm ET
In this interactive, experimental Slack-based workshop, Unbounce Content Director Dan Levy will guide you and your team through what it takes to build a holistic, conversion-centered content strategy. Rather than “quick and dirty” tips and tricks, you will learn what questions you need to ask about your objectives, KPIs, lead gen forms and “conversion carrots” in order for them to be truly effective. Whether you’re building a content strategy from the ground up or looking to optimize what you’re already doing, you will come away from this workshop inspired, challenged and ready to take your content marketing to the next level.
Only 60 spots available for this interactive Slack chat workshop
Director of Content | Unbounce
Dan Levy
12.00pm PT/3pm ET
One of the most underused marketing tactics used by marketers these days is segmentation and CRM retargeting. Why segment? To uncover and identify numerous marketing opportunities. Why retarget through CRM data? Email only goes so far, so CRM retargeting tactics allow you to bypass spamming inboxes by delivering very targeted display campaigns.
Director of Marketing | Kissmetrics
Tomasz Borys
Kira Hug
2pm PT/5pm ET
Do you ever find yourself writing copy that's a bit...misleading? Joanna, Kira and Joel will dive into how to write persuasive copy and avoid being *that guy* behind the click-bait. Never write click-baitey copy again!
Creator of
Joanna Wiebe
Joel Klettke
Conversion Copywriter,
Business Casual Copywriting
Copywriter & Strategist,
Kira Hug Media
Oli Gardner
Co-Founder | Unbounce
1pm PT/4pm ET
The Five-Second Showdown is a contest between 10 conversion experts and 10 CRO Day attendees. They will run 5-second tests to gain conversion insights and improve the clarity of the value proposition of a landing page. Oli Gardner will be the showdown’s judge, jury, and conversion critic. Join us for a live Hangout with the contest winners (it could be you!), where they’ll break down how they turned a conversion donkey into a unicorn.
Jacob Baadsgaard
CEO | Disruptive Advertising
3.30pm PT/6.30pm ET
CRO is a great way to get more conversions out of your traffic...provided that you have the right traffic in the first place. Unfortunately, most companies struggle with CRO because they drive the wrong traffic to their tests. Jacob and Chris will provide tips on how to line up the right traffic and testing experience to increase conversions.
Chris Daley
VP, Site Optimization | Disruptive Advertising
Director of Marketing Kissmetrics
Co-Founder Unbounce
VP, Site Optimization Disruptive Advertising
*By signing up for this event, you'll receive actionable marketing content from Unbounce and its CRO Day partners.
4.30pm PT/7.30pm ET
You've read the stat: over 2 million blog posts get published every day. But how do some brand new companies sky-rocket their content marketing efforts to generate predictable revenue that's scalable?
Those are the tips we'll share.
GM & Co-Founder | Web Profits
Sujan Patel
Johnathan Dane
Founder | KlientBoost